(TOhoku Mixed Basis Orbitals ab initio program)

Developed by Prof. K. Ohno, Prof. M.H.F. Sluiter, Prof. M.S. Bahramy, Dr. T. Morisato . Dr. Y. Maruyama, Dr. S. Ishii, Prof. Umesh Wagmire, Dr. R. Sahara, Prof. V. Belosldov, Dr. O. Subotin, Prof. Y. Y. Liang, and other members of the Kawazoe laboratory at IMR, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

[1] M.S. Bahramy, M.H.F. Sluiter, and Y. Kawazoe, "First-principle calculations of hyperfine parameterswith the all-electron mixed-basis method", Phys. Rev. B73, 045111 1-21 (2006).
[2] M.S. Bahramy, M.H.F. Sluiter, and Y. Kawazoe, "Pseudo-potential hyperfine calculations through perturbative core level polarization", Phys. Rev. B76, 035124:1-9 (2007).
Ver. 2.0 is available !
It is easy to make initial condition of MD simulation.

The bug of symmetric operation is fixed.

The format of two input files ( and of Ver.2.0 is changed. If you use older input files with Ver.2.0, the calculation will be stopped. The differences are as follows.

In the class of gIONSh, the following line is added:
INIT_MD_TEMPERATURE=-1d0 !temperature for molecular dynamics if positive (K)

For each element, the value of the nuclear magnetic moment is added. Following is an example in the case of H,

3. The format of the other two input files ( and are same as older version.

In Chapter 11 of the newest manual, users can find gNotes on Usageh, which provides some general recommendation for using TOMBO (pp. 69-71).

It is easy to draw the real-space charge density for various levels or for all levels (total charge density) by using a newly introduced module of AVS/Express "TOMBO module". A detailed manual can be downloaded here. (only in Japanese. If you can not read Japanese, please contact us. )

Manual of TOMBO download (PDF)
Note for Manual: TOMBO Ver. 2.0 is based on TOMBO Ver. 1.2g and tuned suitable for using on Supercomputing system in IMR. Therefore, although the manual is expressed as suitable for Ver. 1.2g but also suitable for Ver. 2.0.